Started by Private Equity value creation veterans, we monetize and transform your ERP/transactional data into a profit center that drives meaningful revenue and profit growth and productivity for the enterprise.
Our customers are data-rich companies looking for new sources of profitable growth and productivity. Our customers are not data-poor. They have lots of data, often fragmented across many systems. In most cases, our customers have analytics and reports, but struggle to turn data into action, profitable growth, and productivity.
We are sector-agnostic. Our experience spans Manufacturing (Chemicals & Plastics, Industrials, Materials, Food & Agribusiness, etc.), Distribution, Consumer, and Business Services.
We uncover hidden Revenue and Profit growth opportunities. Fast. Our approach is powerful because it mines your existing ERP data to pinpoint hidden value creation opportunities, by unpacking value drivers at the atomic level of business.
Internal teams don't have the right tools. ERPs and Financial Reporting / FP&A tools aren't built for this job. That's why we are in business!
Our approach is proven. Our approach is battle-tested at over 20 public and private companies and has delivered 700 bps of profit growth (sometimes higher), 400% higher productivity, and 50X ROI.
25 years of turnaround / performance improvement, finance, and analytics experience Turnaround / performance improvement expert, formerly at Alvarez & Marsal PEPI (Private Equity Performance Improvement) Industry track record of delivering 5x EBITDA in 3 years as Regional CFO and Strategy Head at Bunge (NYSE:BG) 27+ performance improvement initiatives at companies with $100m - $10bn in revenue
Davide Bacci Head of Business Intelligence
Over 2 decades of Analytics, BI, and software development experience Led and supported high profile analytics projects at Fortune Global 500 companies Sits on Microsoft's Power BI Community Representative council, helping guide the future direction of Power BI Top Stack Overflow expert for answering questions in M, DAX, Power Query, Power BI and advanced dataviz